Source code for

import collections
import json
from math import ceil
from typing import Generator, Tuple, cast

import numpy as np
import simdjson

[docs] class Fit( """Stores draws from one or more chains. Returned by methods of a ``Model``. Users will not instantiate this class directly. A `Fit` instance works like a Python dictionary. A user-friendly views of draws is available via ``to_frame``. """ # TODO: Several possible optimizations to be made: # (1) `Fit` could be built up (concurrently) one chain a time with an # `append` method. This could be significantly faster. # (2) `Fit` need not store full copies of the raw Stan output. def __init__( self, stan_outputs: Tuple[bytes, ...], num_chains: int, param_names: Tuple[str, ...], constrained_param_names: Tuple[str, ...], dims: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]], num_warmup: int, num_samples: int, num_thin: int, save_warmup: bool, ) -> None: self.stan_outputs = stan_outputs self.num_chains = num_chains assert self.num_chains == len(self.stan_outputs) self.param_names, self.dims, self.constrained_param_names = ( param_names, dims, constrained_param_names, ) self.num_warmup, self.num_samples = num_warmup, num_samples if not isinstance(num_thin, int): raise ValueError(f"{type(num_thin)} object cannot be interpreted as an integer: num_thin={num_thin}") self.num_thin, self.save_warmup = num_thin, save_warmup # `self.sample_and_sampler_param_names` collects the sample and sampler param names. # - "sample params" include `lp__`, `accept_stat__` # - "sampler params" include `stepsize__`, `treedepth__`, ... # These names are gathered later in this function by inspecting the output from Stan. self.sample_and_sampler_param_names: Tuple[str, ...] num_flat_params = sum( or 1) for dims_ in dims) # if dims == [] then it is a scalar assert num_flat_params == len(constrained_param_names) num_samples_saved = ceil(self.num_samples / self.num_thin) + ceil( (self.num_warmup * self.save_warmup) / self.num_thin ) # self._draws holds all the draws. We cannot allocate it before looking at the draws # because we do not know how many sampler-specific parameters are present. Later in this # function we count them and only then allocate the array for `self._draws`. # # _draws is an ndarray with shape (num_sample_and_sampler_params + num_flat_params, num_draws, num_chains) self._draws: np.ndarray parser = simdjson.Parser() for chain_index, stan_output in zip(range(self.num_chains), self.stan_outputs): draw_index = 0 for line in stan_output.splitlines(): try: msg = cast(simdjson.Object, parser.parse(line)) except ValueError: # Occurs when draws contain an nan or infinity. simdjson cannot parse such values. msg = json.loads(line) try: if msg["topic"] == "sample": # Ignore sample message which is mixed together with proper draws. if not isinstance(msg["values"], (simdjson.Object, dict)): continue # for the first draw: collect sample and sampler parameter names. if not hasattr(self, "_draws"): feature_names = cast(Tuple[str, ...], tuple(msg["values"].keys())) self.sample_and_sampler_param_names = tuple( name for name in feature_names if name.endswith("__") ) num_rows = len(self.sample_and_sampler_param_names) + num_flat_params # column-major order ("F") aligns with how the draws are stored (in cols). self._draws = np.empty((num_rows, num_samples_saved, num_chains), order="F") # rudimentary check of parameter order (sample & sampler params must be first) if num_flat_params and feature_names[-1].endswith("__"): raise RuntimeError( f"Expected last parameter name to be one declared in program code, found `{feature_names[-1]}`" ) draw_row = tuple(msg["values"].values()) # a "row" of values from a single draw from Stan C++ self._draws[:, draw_index, chain_index] = draw_row draw_index += 1 finally: # clean up `Object`s produced by parser, required by simdjson del msg assert draw_index == num_samples_saved assert self.sample_and_sampler_param_names and self._draws.size self._draws.flags["WRITEABLE"] = False # type: ignore def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.param_names
[docs] def to_frame(self): """Return view of draws as a pandas DataFrame. If pandas is not installed, a `RuntimeError` will be raised. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame with `num_draws` rows and `num_flat_params` columns. """ try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("The `to_frame` method requires the Python package `pandas`.") columns = self.sample_and_sampler_param_names + self.constrained_param_names assert len(self._draws) == len(columns) df = pd.DataFrame(self._draws.reshape(len(columns), -1).T, columns=columns), = "draws", "parameters" return df
def __getitem__(self, param): """Returns array with shape (stan_dimensions, num_chains * num_samples)""" assert param.endswith("__") or param in self.param_names, param param_indexes = self._parameter_indexes(param) param_dim = [] if param in self.sample_and_sampler_param_names else self.dims[self.param_names.index(param)] # fmt: off num_samples_saved = ceil(self.num_samples / self.num_thin) + ceil((self.num_warmup * self.save_warmup) / self.num_thin) assert self._draws.shape == (len(self.sample_and_sampler_param_names) + len(self.constrained_param_names), num_samples_saved, self.num_chains) # fmt: on if not len(param_indexes): assert 0 in param_dim return np.array([]).reshape(param_dim + [num_samples_saved * self.num_chains]) # Stack chains together. Parameter is still stored flat. view = self._draws[param_indexes, :, :].reshape(len(param_indexes), -1).view() assert view.shape == (len(param_indexes), num_samples_saved * self.num_chains) # reshape must yield something with least two dimensions reshape_args = param_dim + [-1] if param_dim else (1, -1) # reshape, recover the shape of the stan parameter return view.reshape(*reshape_args, order="F") def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: for name in self.param_names: yield name def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.param_names) def __repr__(self) -> str: # inspired by xarray parts = [f"<stan.{type(self).__name__}>"] def summarize_param(param_name, dims): return f" {param_name}: {tuple(dims)}" if self.param_names: parts.append("Parameters:") for param_name, dims in zip(self.param_names, self.dims): parts.append(summarize_param(param_name, dims)) # total draws is num_draws (per-chain) times num_chains parts.append(f"Draws: {self._draws.shape[-2] * self._draws.shape[-1]}") return "\n".join(parts) def _parameter_indexes(self, param: str) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Obtain indexes for values associated with `param`. A draw from the sampler is a flat vector of values. A multi-dimensional variable will be stored in this vector in column-major order. This function identifies the indices which allow us to extract values associated with a parameter. Parameters ---------- param : Parameter of interest. Returns ------- Indexes associated with parameter. Note ---- This function assumes that parameters appearing in the program code follow the sample and sampler parameters (e.g., ``lp__``, ``stepsize__``). """ # if `param` is a scalar, it will match one of the constrained names or it will match a # sample param name (e.g., `lp__`) or a sampler param name (e.g., `stepsize__`) if param in self.sample_and_sampler_param_names: return (self.sample_and_sampler_param_names.index(param),) sample_and_sampler_params_offset = len(self.sample_and_sampler_param_names) if param in self.constrained_param_names: return (sample_and_sampler_params_offset + self.constrained_param_names.index(param),) def calculate_starts(dims: Tuple[Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: """Calculate starting indexes given dims.""" s = [cast(int, for d in dims] starts = np.cumsum([0] + s)[: len(dims)] return tuple(int(i) for i in starts) starts = tuple(sample_and_sampler_params_offset + i for i in calculate_starts(self.dims)) names_index = self.param_names.index(param) flat_param_count = cast(int,[names_index])) return tuple(starts[names_index] + offset for offset in range(flat_param_count))